Before you even think of buying anything, set up a list of all the supplies you need. Here, you are supposed to remain within your budget to ensure the trip is not costly. Get on the internet and prepare the list of everything you need. You may be surprised that you already have some supplies, and you only need to add a few things. Doing research will reap enormous benefits when it comes to buying supplies. As much as you should take in advice from regular campers, also ensure that you do enough research and arrive at informed decisions.
As much as you may have a fixed budget, there are three things you should ensure are of high quality. The first one is the tent. You need to purchase a reliable and durable tent from a trusted supplier.
A good tent should withstand adverse weather conditions, protect you and be used in the future. Second, you need to purchase a quality sleeping bag. Some people may prefer buying a sleeping bag to avoid buying a tent. The choice is yours.
However, if you are going to be out in the woods, it is advisable to take your security very seriously.
Do research and go for a sleeping bag that can keep you warm and dry. Buy something long lasting that you can use for your next camping trip. Third, you need to invest in an excellent cooler.
Research in a high-quality cooler that does not leak or have cracks. Coolers are equally important because they are used to keep your food cool. You will appreciate when you wake up in the morning and find that your food is still okay. The figure below shows an example of some supplies needed for camping.
You can save money when buying other things apart from the tent, sleeping bag, and cooler. Remember you still need to do a bit of research to identify where to purchase all the necessary tools you require. In addition, you can have a checklist prepared to ensure you only buy things you need. The figure below shows an example of a car camping checklist.
This course focuses on campfire cooking, and I am going to list some of the most important equipment that you will need if you are to make your cooking successful.
• Cooler
• Sharp knife
• Plates
• Spatula
• Tongs
• Measuring cups
• Measuring spoons
• A skillet with a lid (preferably 10-inch)
• Quart with a lid
• Cutting board (preferably plastic)
• Vegetable peeler (can also be used as cheese slicer)
• Bottle/can opener
• Camp stove and fuel
• Cheese grater (one that can be used as a citrus zester)
• Mugs
• Scrubber
• Forks, spoons
• Sponge
• Lantern
- Plastic garbage bags
- Firewood
- Aluminum foil
- Wooden skewers
- Ziplock bags
- Matchboxes
- Dish soap
- Charcoal briquettes
- Corkscrew (if you are going to have wine)
- Paper towels
- Kitchen shears
- Garlic press
- Grill rack (you can use it to create your barbecue)
- Insulated lunch bag
- Headlamp (can be used when you need to do something in the dark)
- Coffee-filter ( in case you are a coffee lover) The figure below shows examples of tools that you can carry to facilitate cooking during your camping trip.