Key Tips for Being Smart About Security
- Keep a low profile on social media sites.
- Do not distribute personal information online.
- Keep all social media sites on their optimal security and privacy settings, and do not connect with people that are not trustworthy.
- Make all passwords unique and different.
- Create dummy email addresses and telephone numbers to use for non-personal forms.
- Be hyper-vigilant with protecting smart phones and their data.
- Maintain a passcode or password on all electronic devices.
- Install a remote wiping system for all smart phones.
- Be aware of the proper authorities that will need to be contacted in case of an emergency.
- If passwords of data must be stored on a smartphone, create a complex coding system for storing the information so that the information is impossible for anyone to decipher other than you.
- Protect the integrity of passwords, credit card numbers, and financial information.
- Be aware of your surroundings when using ATMs. Do not trust that strangers will not look at the screen while typing the PIN.