September 2013 – September: A Month To Reflect, Improve, Repair, And PrepareSeptember is National Preparedness Month, and it’s going to be all over the news and Internet thanks to FEMA’s advertising. But should we just prepare in September? Let the National Preparedness Month of September be a reminder to re-assess and re-evaluate your preparedness plans, however, remember prepping is a lot like a diet, in order for it to work it needs to be a lifestyle change, not just a monthly goal that you achieve once a year. Find out how to survive in the modern world on a daily basis with only what you have with you and more!
In This Issue You’ll Find:
- September: A Month to Reflect, Improve, Repair, and Prepare
- The Urban Prepper
- Bugging out by Way of Water
- Will Your House Withstand an Armed Assault?