Now is the time to save, clean and prep your stockpile to be ready for any situation in 2021. Use this time of the year to outline and plan on ways to save by making a few changes to your day. Here are a few simple things you can do around the house to save on utilities and keep some money in your pockets. This will be valuable for you and your family this year. Prepper Princess offers insight on what tips you can start today to save money for the future. #PrepperTips
Financial survival should be on the mind of every prepper for the 2021 year. Times are changing and you have to be ready for any situation. If you saved your stimulus check and/or expect to receive a check, create a plan on what to do with your money. Survival Life has a checklist that can help you with how to spend your money in the best possible way.
Not expecting a stimulus check? Not a problem. Be smart and plan out a full month of prepping that fits into your budget. We watched a video from City Prepping that outlines the goals on how to survive on your own for 30 days. The top preppers all have 30 day plans outlined for their survival and you should too. Check this out.
What will you do to save more money in 2021? Share below!
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