Ready to shed some extra stuff that you have accumulated around the house and make some extra cash while doing so? Decluttering is a perfect reason to start setting up for a yard sale. Not only is it great for keeping your home feeling more spacious and clean, but it can also be very emotionally […]
Read More...Author Archives: FPA Administration
4 Ways to Allergy Proof your Home
If you or anyone in your home are the unfortunate victims of common environmental allergies, you know the constant nuisance of a clogged head can be exhausting. Different locations, seasons and even temperatures can trigger different allergies, but your home should be a place that you are comfortable in year round. It might not be […]
Read More...How to Prepare Children for a Big Move
Big transitions for children can ramp up both immense excitement and anxiety. One of the biggest changes a child can experience aside from changes in family structure is moving homes. Whether this change is within the same city or not, a new home and a new neighborhood can be quite overwhelming in their young minds. […]
Read More...Is an Imaginary Friend Healthy for Your Child?
If you have ever heard “Mom, watch out! Don’t sit on Lulu!” in sheer panic while sitting down for dinner only to look around and see nothing but your typical table chair waiting for your presence, you certainly know how bewildering having an imaginary friend in the home can feel. As adults, it can be […]
Read More...Age Appropriate Chores for Children
One of the most valuable gifts you can give your children is to teach them how to work together as a family unit. One way you can do this is to provide them with age appropriate chores and household activities that will help the family with various needs, while also staying within their developmental reach. […]
Read More...13 Natural Ways to Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh
The best way to naturally keep your home smelling fresh is to open some windows – and maybe a door or two – to let that fresh air come in! Unfortunately, that’s not always a practical option. Not only could safety be an issue, but if you live in or near an industrial area or […]
Read More...How to Create a Family Emergency Preparation Plan
It’s difficult to escape images of people coping with emergencies, whether on television or online. It seems surreal to see pictures of fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or even worse situations. The dangerous part is: most people don’t expect to go through a natural disaster or other traumatic event. However, statistically, facing an emergency situation is […]
Read More...How to Keep Your Home Clean Year Round
Keeping your home clean may seem like an impossible task. With parenting, work, and errands, there seems to rarely be time to make sure you are able to clean the house on a consistent basis. The once a year, thorough “spring cleaning,” will not be enough to keep your house clean. It is possible to […]
Read More...What Every Parent Should Know About Vaccines
Amidst the controversy surrounding vaccinations, there is little scientific doubt: your child needs to be vaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control schedule includes 29 doses of 9 vaccines plus a yearly flu shot for kids zero to six. All 50 states require certain vaccinations for school, with some exemptions available. Vaccines are considered a great […]
Read More...How to Teach Your Children Kindness
Online bullying, shootings, and other unkindness from our younger generations seems to be sweeping headlines in our world today. It’s a perfect time to focus on kindness within our family. As parents, we can instill this right from the start as part of our family values. Here are a few key points to encourage kindness: […]