We humans can get a little arrogant; we think that we have the Earth under our control, that our machines and technology make us all-powerful, that our massive superpower government and strong military, police, and fire departments will keep us safe… But every now and then we get a big dose of reality. A hurricane […]
Read More...Author Archives: Dave Scott | Contributor
25 Effective Uses of Activated Charcoal
The benefits of activated charcoal are astounding. From teeth whitening, to purifying water and air. Activated charcoal is a naturally occurring miracle… 25 Effective Uses of Activated Charcoal Activated Charcoal is one of Earth’s many natural blessings. This one element has amazing cleansing, purifying, and healing properties. Read all about how Activated Carbon works here. […]
Read More...Why You Need to Start Growing Your Own Food
One of my biggest nightmares has always been that I might someday have to look across my kitchen table at my hungry children and be unable to procure the food to fill their bellies. Let’s face it, for most of us, food is something we take for granted. I am convinced that the main reason […]
Read More...10 Steps to Disaster Proofing Your Home
The last thing any of us wants is to be caught wholly unprepared in a disaster. Unfortunately, disasters tend to sneak up on us and hit suddenly without much warning. For this reason, it is vital that you pre-plan for likely disaster scenarios and prepare yourself and your home advance. Below are 10 steps that […]
Read More...The Mentality of a Survivor
You are driving down a long stretch of winding country road. Your headlights illuminate the tree line as it races past. Suddenly your favorite song comes on the radio, causing you to smile and taking your full attention off the road for just less than a second, as a deer steps squarely into your lane […]
Read More...Kids in College: 5 Steps to Prepare Them For the Worst
Sending your kids off to college can be super stressful. You know that they are capable and you have confidence in them, but at the same time, they are moving away from their family and support network. If anything major were to go down while they were away, you probably won’t be able to help […]
Read More...Every Day Carry Tips and Hacks
Gear should be a vital part of every person’s emergency plan. The gear we actually have the moment crisis strikes is way more valuable than all of the gear we wish we had. So to help you be more prepared for the unexpected, I have decided to write up this little article on things […]
Read More...The Sovereign Vehicle Survival Kit
Making Your Vehicle A Sovereign Survival Kit Well, unless you live in Florida or Los Angeles (and I’m guessing there are not that many FPA members in LA), wintery weather is officially upon us. The cold weather makes us even more vulnerable in the case of a vehicle breakdown, stuck vehicle, flat tire, or other […]
Read More...Keeping Your Family Safe Online
How to keep yourself and your family safe online If you are anything like me the Internet freaks you out! One of the reasons I am so freaked out by the Internet is that I often feel like I don’t know enough about the pitfalls and vulnerabilities online. Not only are we vulnerable, but […]
Read More...Keeping Your Family Safe During Travel
It’s a fact, when you are traveling you are more vulnerable. You are away from your community, family, and friends, who you might lean on in a crisis. You can’t take refuge in your home. You have much more limited gear and supplies, you are likely less familiar with the landscape, resources, roads, people and […]