These pistols were a masterpiece produced by the German arms manufacturer, known as Walther. These are semi-automatic pistols with blowback operations.
The distinguishing features of this pistol include; a hammer which lies exposed and the fact that it makes use of the more traditional form which is the double action mechanism for the trigger. It has a fixed barrel attached to it and features a magazine which is single column. The barrel of this pistol also performs the function of a guide rod; assisting the spring for recoil. This series of the Walther pistols include the Walther PP, PPK/S, PPK/E and the PPK.
The manufacturing countries of this PP series revolvers; are United States, France, and Germany. The PPK modification of this model is now developed by Smith and Wesson only, since they struck a deal in 2002. It is now manufactured in the United States while maintaining license from the Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen. Previously, all the variants and the models were developed by Carl Walther itself in its factory present in Germany. Apart from this, it was also produced under license Interarms in Alexandria, Virginia, within the United States and by Manurhin in Alsace of France.
The PP and the PPK series have their name registered as the most successful models of double action semiautomatic pistols ever to have been made by anyone. This is perhaps the main reason why they were copied to such a great extent. However, the original versions of these pistols are still made by Walther, to this day.

The design of this pistol is considered to be a great success which is why it has inspired a large number of pistol designs like the Hungarian FEG PA-63, the Spanish Astra Constable, the Czech CZ50, the American Iver Johnson TP-22 and the Argentinian version of Bersa Thunder 380. The PP and PPK versions of the pistol were both very popular for their reliability and for the ease with which they could be concealed. This made these variants very popular among the European Police and the civilians.
These pistols were used by the German Police and Military during World War II.