Starting method, as well as being the easiest of the friction methods to do; even though it requires more parts to make it work. In addition to the fireboard and spindle, you’ll need a bow, a piece of bark to act as a tray to catch the ember, and a bearing block.
To prepare the fireboard, cut a notch into the edge of it with your knife. You’ll be putting your spindle right at the apex of this notch to start the fire, so you’ll want it to be at least half an inch deep and anywhere from 60 to 90 degrees wide. The notch has to go all the way through the board. With the point of your knife, cup the spot at the apex of that notch, so that your spindle doesn’t slide all over the board.
A bow can be made out of whatever is at hand. If you have paracord, it works extremely well for a bowstring. You can also use your shoelaces for a bowstring. The bow itself is merely a green branch that is bent to provide tension to the string. You will also need a small piece of hardwood that you’ve cut an indentation into, to use as a bearing block. Your will hold this in the palm of your hand, to put pressure on the top of the spindle. The bowstring is wrapped around the spindle, the spindle placed on the fireboard, overlapping the apex of the notch and held in place by putting pressure on the top of the spindle with the bearing block. Pulling the bow back and forth causes the spindle to turn, providing friction. The faster the spindle turns and the greater the pressure placed upon it from the hand holding the bearing block, the more heat will be produced, creating the glowing ember needed to start the fire.