In a perfect world, our children would have no need for vitamins. Their food would provide them with all of their nutritional needs and no supplementation would be needed at all. However, we live in a far from perfect world. There are so many factors as to why children (and adults) need extra vitamins in […]
Read More...Health
4 Ways to Exercise as a Family
Children today are inundated by technology and indoor activities for mental stimulation. This makes it extremely important to teach the importance of physical wellness and exercise. We all know the benefits of exercising daily for cardiovascular health, weight management, emotional health and more, but it’s becoming increasingly less of a focus for our children. So […]
Read More...4 Ways to Allergy Proof your Home
If you or anyone in your home are the unfortunate victims of common environmental allergies, you know the constant nuisance of a clogged head can be exhausting. Different locations, seasons and even temperatures can trigger different allergies, but your home should be a place that you are comfortable in year round. It might not be […]
Read More...Is an Imaginary Friend Healthy for Your Child?
If you have ever heard “Mom, watch out! Don’t sit on Lulu!” in sheer panic while sitting down for dinner only to look around and see nothing but your typical table chair waiting for your presence, you certainly know how bewildering having an imaginary friend in the home can feel. As adults, it can be […]
Read More...How to Keep Your Home Clean Year Round
Keeping your home clean may seem like an impossible task. With parenting, work, and errands, there seems to rarely be time to make sure you are able to clean the house on a consistent basis. The once a year, thorough “spring cleaning,” will not be enough to keep your house clean. It is possible to […]
Read More...What Every Parent Should Know About Vaccines
Amidst the controversy surrounding vaccinations, there is little scientific doubt: your child needs to be vaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control schedule includes 29 doses of 9 vaccines plus a yearly flu shot for kids zero to six. All 50 states require certain vaccinations for school, with some exemptions available. Vaccines are considered a great […]
Read More...5 First Aid Tips Every Parent Should Know
Children are going to hurt themselves as they learn about the world around them. They will cut their fingers, fall out of trees, and hurt themselves in other ways that will teach them not to repeat something or be more careful when doing it next time. However, there may also be times when they may […]
Read More...Benefits of Using a Solar Cooker
Like an oven, a solar cooker uses heat to cook your food. But unlike traditional appliances that use gas or electricity to power it, solar appliances use the power of the sun. Whether you intend to use a solar cooker for camping or want to have one on hand in case of an emergency, […]
Read More...Six Steps to Start A Garden
With the ever-present data that suggests that most all our grocery-store-bought food contains any number of steroids, chemicals and any number of other problems for us, there is a large movement in developing a garden. There are many things to consider whether you are homesteading or in a suburban area, or even in urban areas. […]
Read More...Is a Chest Freezer a Smart Investment?
The average American spends over $150 a week on groceries, making food a major expense. Yet we throw out 40 percent of the food we buy. That means we are tossing away $240 worth of food each month. Many times, we pick up meat or produce because it’s a good deal. But we can’t use […]