How to Prepare & Protect Your Garden From Fall Frosts

How to Prepare & Protect Your Garden From Fall Frosts

As we head into Fall, you’re probably looking forward to harvesting the fruits of your labor. But along with the cooler weather, the occasional overnight frost can threaten your garden and your harvest. Freezing temperatures overnight can injure your plants by causing ice crystals to form their cells. Fluids cannot move inside frozen plants, and […]

Simple Krav Maga Techniques That Could Save Your Life

Simple Krav Maga Techniques That Could Save Your Life

Krav Maga is an Israeli military self-defense and fighting system that is arguably the most effective martial art in real-life hand-to-hand combat situations. Krav Maga combines self-defense with situational awareness and draws techniques from aikido, boxing, wrestling, judo, and karate. What sets Krav Maga apart from its predecessors is its training in difficult and unexpected […]