Capture traps are another type of trap that the skilled trappers should become familiar with. Rather than killing the animal, a capture trap is designed to keep the animal alive until you arrive to check the trap. There are a few reasons why you may want to keep an animal alive until you get to the trapping area, but the most common is to prevent meat spoilage.
This is a problem in extremely hot regions of the country where meat could spoil within a couple of hours after the animal dies. In cold climates, the animal carcass is likely to freeze, so meat spoilage isn’t as much of a concern. There are many types of capture traps available but the most commonly used is known as a box trap. These traps can be fabricated at home although in most cases it makes more sense to purchase them from a sporting goods store when you are first starting out.
There will be plenty of time to learn the art of making a box trap in the future. A box trap works by luring an animal into an enclosed rectangular box (using bait). Once the animal is inside the trap, a trigger mechanism is activated and a trap door closes. The animal is trapped inside the box until you arrive to harvest it.
Some trappers drape a cloth over the box trap to help conceal it from animals. Draping a cloth over the trap also helps to protect a trapped animal from the elements until you arrive.
Successful trappers often drape a cloth over these traps to camouflage the trap. Animals are very cautious of new items in their surroundings and will be less likely to go into the trap if it is obvious that it doesn’t belong in the wilderness.
Draping a cloth over the trap also helps to protect trapped animals from the elements. If an animal dies of exposure before you get a chance to check the trap you have defeated the purpose of using a live capture trap in the first place.