

Next up we have building a fire.

Fire serves several purposes while camping and even more in a survival scenario:



Food preparation

Water purification


Dissuading certain animals (including predators) from invading your base

If you’re frugal but savvy, you’ll probably have an emergency cache of refillable lighters stashed away with a canister of lighter fluid. Matches are just as easy to store and are arguably cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

But what happens if SHTF and you can’t access these materials? Or you run out, all the lighter flints go bust, and/or your matches get wet?

Knowing how to build and light a fire without relying on these tools is a crucial bushcraft survival skill. You should learn how to forage for tinder and larger fuels (again, ensure you’re allowed to do so at a campsite).

Similarly, using a ferro rod is one of the most long-lasting fire lighting tools: most can be used to strike more than 30,000 sparks.

Once you’re comfortable using your ferro rod, start practicing the hand-drill technique too. This ensures if you’re caught without a ferro rod or have to survive longer than it lasts, you can still build a fire.