Tag Archives: Finance

Getting a Grip On Lifestyle Creep

Getting a Grip On Lifestyle Creep

Featured Image by Mike Babcock Lifestyle creep may be throwing a shadow over your future. Most people are not aware that there’s an increasingly fine line between living the American Dream and suffering from an insidious, financial-future-sapping condition called lifestyle creep. The fact that the cost of living – everything from rent to entertainment to […]

Building a Secure Future

Building a Secure Future

  You have likely heard the ominous reports on the state of Americans’ retirement savings; a recent report showed that over 30 percent of the population has no retirement savings or pensions, including people approaching the typical retirement age. With the distinct possibility that social security will either be substantially decreased or eliminated, this is […]

How to Borrow from Your 401K

How to Borrow from Your 401K

As work-related retirement plans transition from defined benefit pension plans to defined contribution plans, such as the 401(k) plan, workers shoulder more responsibility for retirement financing. This offers advantages to financially savvy workers, but can hold risks for those with less in-depth financial planning and investing knowledge. That in-depth knowledge is important when deciding whether […]

Family Finances: How To Invest For Beginners

Family Finances: How To Invest For Beginners

Over the past few decades, many of the costs associated with raising a family have risen far faster than the wages of the average American. Real wages, meaning those adjusted for inflation, have remained virtually stagnant for the U.S. worker, despite the steady increase in the overall cost of living. Home prices have soared, along […]

Tips for Buying (or Selling) a Home in a Foreign Country

Tips for Buying (or Selling) a Home in a Foreign Country

Buying or selling a home in a foreign country can be a simple transaction or a major hassle requiring a great deal of time, effort and money. In countries such as Canada, Australia and most European Union nations, the real estate transaction process, while paperwork intensive, is quite manageable for the average homeowner. The same […]

Peer-to-Peer Lending: Making a Loan to Your Neighbor?

Peer-to-Peer Lending: Making a Loan to Your Neighbor?

The internet era has led to notably less direct social interaction for the many millions of people that spend most of their spare time online or playing computer games. According to experts, this lack of direct social interaction does have consequences both for individuals and society at large. Recent studies have shown that many young […]