Working out can be a whole lot more fun than people realize, you just need to find the method that works for you. Very few people can simply go to the gym each day, get on a treadmill and enjoy it forever. Very few indeed. There are any number of activities that fall out of […]
Read More...Tag Archives: family
Summer Travel Tips: Getting The Most Bang for Your Buck
June is here, and summertime is almost upon us. That means vacation season is fast approaching and it’s time to get cracking on finalizing your summer vacation plans. That said, safety is the first priority at home or when traveling, so do take the time to find out the safe and less-safe places to vacation […]
Read More...Where Should Your Kids Go To School?
The process by which your children are educated is most likely one of the most important endeavors that you as a parent must engage in. It is our opinion that there is no right answer for every family. Each family must decide for themselves who is the primary educator for all levels of a child’s […]
Read More...Family Camping for Beginners
Camping is one of the wonderful pastimes that, more often than not, simply does not match up to what it appears to be online and in the movies. That is primarily due to a lack of preparation or an unwillingness to recognize our limits when it comes to such activity. This does not mean we […]
Read More...Caring for Your Parents: What You Need to Know in 2016
It’s the role reversal neither side wants. As your parents cared for you while you grew up, now you must look after them as they decline with age. If you – and they – are lucky, your parents will remain in good health and lead active lives well into their golden years. If you’re not […]
Read More...Essential Habits for Your Family’s Health
When it comes to raising children to be strong and healthy, we often focus on preventing risky behaviors, like underage drinking or taking drugs. We warn our kids about the dangers of these actions and encourage our kids to avoid them. However, our families often face more common dangers every day that we often don’t […]
Read More...Keeping Your Family Safe Online
How to keep yourself and your family safe online If you are anything like me the Internet freaks you out! One of the reasons I am so freaked out by the Internet is that I often feel like I don’t know enough about the pitfalls and vulnerabilities online. Not only are we vulnerable, but […]
Read More...Keeping Your Family Safe During Travel
It’s a fact, when you are traveling you are more vulnerable. You are away from your community, family, and friends, who you might lean on in a crisis. You can’t take refuge in your home. You have much more limited gear and supplies, you are likely less familiar with the landscape, resources, roads, people and […]
Read More...Prepping With A Disabled Family Member
Hey FPA, I have been seeing a lot of questions come up within the community lately about prepping with a disabled or with a special need family member so I thought this would be a good topic for a blog post. Firstly, it is important to note that even though you will find prepping tips […]
Read More...Frostbite Awareness
Frostbite is a serious injury and one that can permanently damage skin, flesh, and nerves. If you live in a climate where the weather drops below 32 degrees in the winter, which most of us do, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of frostbite and how it can be prevented. Children are […]