Episode #12: Self-Defense

The Readycast Podcast #3

This week’s theme: Self Defense

With Dave Scott and Chris Sutton


  • Dave Scott, chairman of the Family Protection Association is with Chris Sutton, creator of the cobra self defense system, one of the largest and fastest growing self defense system in the country.
  • Chris holds many different ranks in the martial arts system and also has extensive training as a law enforcement officer and corrections officer. He’s dealt with real criminals and real situations which gave him insight to criminal minds and encouraged him to create a real practical self defense system.

Q & A

    • [transcript time=1:30] The average person doesn’t have much in any self-defense training. Why do you think self-defence training should be a priority in people’s lives?
    • [transcript time=4:27] What inspired you to start cover self defense?
    • [transcript time=8:14] When it comes to self defense, many people think of someone like Steven Seagull, or even a great anime fighter who’s really dedicated their lives to learn the art of fighting. What do you think are some of the myths about sel-defense are some people not aware of?
    • [transcript time=9:49] At what age do you think parents can teach their children about firearms safety training?
    • [transcript time=12:54 ] We’re brought up with all this notions that we see on Hollywood, you don’t realize what you saw on Hollywood was taken 75, 76 times. They get to redo it, rehearse it, train for it, slow the motion down, it has no base in reality.
    • [transcript time=13:39 ] Females are always told from young age, “If you’re in trouble, and a guy puts you in a corner, you need to get out real quick, kick him in his groin”.
    • [transcript time=17:33 ] Do you think criminals have the advantage during a confrontation?
    • [transcript time=21:42 ] If you were to give advise to an average person, what are some of the proactive strategies that you would recommend people to use to maintain their personal safety?
    • [transcript time=23:15 ] Regular martial arts program has become more of a fitness routine than a practical defence training. More like making people feel good, getting this “x” belt. Do you think that an average martial arts training is effective in real life situations?
    • [transcript time=29:00 ] A theory based system is very dangerous. Imagine being on an airplane and a pilot who never flew an airplane, a real airplane. Would you want to be on that airplane? No. No matter how good he is with simulators and video games. Same thing with doctors.
    • [transcript time=32:25 ]What is your opinion about realistic child safety training and its effectiveness?
    • [transcript time=37:11 ] What do you think is the best way to respond to your child being bullied and how do you teach your child to respond to bullying?
    • [transcript time=39:55 ] Facebook is for business owners and mature, responsible adults who can handle criticism. Your kid goes to sleep at night after posting something sincere and by the time he wakes up, he’s been bullied for five hours overnight.
    • [transcript time=45:02 ]Conclusion.

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